Emelia and Abbie - (Red & Blue) I created an idea that Abbie would play 'Blue', a friend of Red that was aware of the dangers if you stray from the path. I wanted them to show a friendship, growing up throughout the years.
James and Med - (Wolf & Huntsman) - I wanted them to developing fighting as I wanted to see how it would look and if it worked well I would perhaps include a fight scene in the final performance. I wanted them to be agile, and I said they could use a wooden stick if necessary.
Ruby (Granny) Romina, Jess, Megan (Depiction of Women) Sam & Richard (Depiction of Men)- I wanted them to create a travelling scene to Grandmothers house, this would perhaps be used as a transition, I wanted to see Ruby develop her old person persona whilst travelling through, and I wanted the depictions to become creative with movement and how they're reactions and actions support the piece as a whole.
I let them mainly work independently so they could have fun, this is allowed me to see what they were comfortable doing and what interested them. I made adjustments where they were perhaps not focusing it
towards an audience. For the performance aspect I made them perform all at the same time whilst doing their piece of the sound scape, as without everyone participating the sound would be too thin. I also think the larger group did well as they then began to think how they could intertwine part of the setting into the sound scape where they would hit the frames together. This is that performance:
Mr Chipp said if I used three pieces of lighting to highlight the separate pieces of actions, it could actually be performed all at one. This then made me think, do the lighting but make it look less messy by having the actions on a loop so they perform a section of their piece and the next group would do there bit and so forth. However, I could've made it so the centre group did there continuously, but we had the two girls and the two boys do there alternating to show the stereotypical women and men.
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