Wednesday, 2 October 2013

2|10|13 - Directing

Working with the members of N2C, Mr Chipp commissioned us to set work on directing some performances which we would then showcase to a public audience. Myself and Kelly decided to pair up as we have a knowledge that our desire of a performance to look is very similar.

It was then agreed that the stimulus of our pieces were to be the Grimm's Tales, we had the book with the collection of the Grimms Brothers stories and dramatisations. When looking through these I felt the one I had the most idea's for was 'Little Red Cap'. This is from my previous knowledge of finding out the discovery of the darker version of Little Red Cap, and the underlying sexual meanings of how woman should not stray from the path, the depiction of the aggressive male, and the cloak being a symbolism of womanhood. It was from this that I began to do my work researching before the first session with the group that Mr Chipp choose for me. 

I began looking at other dramatisations of Little Red Cap for inspiration and came across a few. 
'Big Bad Wolves'( ) is a comedy deciphering the underlying messages of the the story and highlighting the flaws that were adapted in to making it less realistic and more accessible as a fairy tale with a moral for young children. I wanted to take these aspects and use them in my performances to make it more shocking for the audience. after watching this video that included no speaking, I thought that the silhouette effect gave a very eerie effect and this inspired me to use an aspect of shadow theatre at some point in my piece, perhaps in sections where I want to remove a cliché expectation of the familiar story.    

I also looked at the musical 'Into The Woods' by Stephan Sondheim, and was really inspired by his use of music to reflect the emotions of the characters and bring out some of the subtext. It is this rhythm that I wanted to adapt into my own performance to give it fluidity and engage the audience by having phrases that become more memorable from the rhyming and rhythmic aspect. 

After doing this research I decided to create a workshop for the first session, this is a vlog reflecting on the workshop and how it went:

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