Wednesday 1 April 2015

1|4|15 - Singing Techniques - Developing the Programme

After doing a rehearsal and meeting with the people that would be involved in the performances, I looked back over my programme to decide on changes that I could make that show more variety and would be more ideal for the context of the performance. 

We have been given a half an hour time slot before the actual award ceremony starts, this will be when the audience will not have their full attention to the songs, rather sat around enjoying provided nibbles and drinks. During this time, myself, Abbie and Carys have songs prepared that we can sing for light entertainment these songs will be:

Somewhere that's green (Little Shop of Horrors) - Abbie
I don't know how to love him (Jesus Christ Superstar) - Carys
Still Hurting (The Last Five Years) - Poppy
Falling Slowly (Once) - Carys and Poppy
Castle on a Cloud (Les Mis) - Carys
First Solo: Say the Word (The Unauthorised Autobiography of Sam Brown) - Poppy 

We will then move onto the Opening: 
Naughty (Matilda) - Carys, Abbie and Poppy. - As we are performing to a drama crowd and it is the same few people, we have devised movement to create a more enjoyable piece to watch. This will increase the energy and I will have to think about how I to control my voice whilst moving. A common issue when singing Musical Theatre songs as they are not usually performed as a recital, rather a performance which is what we will try to do. 

Second Solo: 
I'll be here (Ordinary Days) - Poppy. As I have just done a high energy ensemble piece I feel I am able to do this longer song here. The audience will not have been here long and it would be better to do a longer story telling song now then at the end when their focus has lapsed and require to see more high energy songs. 

Second Ensemble Piece:
The Letter (Billy Elliott) - Carys, Abbie and Poppy. We will have Carys playing Billy Elliott as her voice suits that part more than the two older females. Abbie will play the dance teacher and myself the dead mother. This is because my voice is stronger at the higher harmony part whereas Abbie voice suits the lower part. This is a simple song to perform, which makes it easy to set and allows the audience to focus on the words and feel empathy to the song making it more emotional. 

Third Solo: 
Pulled (The Addams Family) - Poppy. More high energy, with slight comedy it's also a much shorter song meaning after two emotional songs we can regain the audiences attention. 

Third Ensemble Piece: 
Mama I'm a Big Girl Now (Hairspray) - Poppy, Abbie, Carys, Zack, Robert and Nefyn. - Ending the evening with this number, highly comical as the boys will be in drag. This will be high energy and ends the evening on a positive note that includes members from N2C meaning the humour will be more involved with the audience as well. 

By doing some slow and emotional numbers against high energy numbers we show off the type of members N2C has. It allows for a more interesting programme as it provides songs from different musicals, both well known and more undiscovered. 

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