Wednesday, 26 March 2014

26|03|14 - 'Find Me' - Site Specific Final Performance

Setting up:
We went around with two members of the MITIE company to discuss where we would like lighting to be dimmed, these had to comply to their safety regulations meaning every other light could be off, but the others had to be on but dim. This was, although not originally what we wanted, actually turned out to be a lot better as the audience had better sight of the performance and meant that less accidents could happen. For the stairs, the lights would be virtually gone, but as their are also windows we were counting on dim natural light as well as setting up our own LED lights to give scenes more atmosphere and colour. 

We then cleared out the classroom at the end, covered walls inside (and boards outside of the classroom) with black poster paper to remove any aspects of a school building, we then put up phrases said by a doctor's in order to calm down patients. We also took any posters that were on doors or stairs down so the building didn't feel so much like a school. I then painted the pictures that would be used, these were child like, as if I no longer painted to be talented, (as we later see a good drawing held by stage one verity) these paintings also looked more disturbing in such a way.

For the audience, we wanted to transport them into a different world, to do this instead of receiving a ticket, they received a badge and label in which they had to write their name on, on the back of this were instructions that complied with health and safety, encouraging them staying with the doctors. 

For costume, we borrowed lab coats from the science department and we were also fortune to be able to borrow some 'scrubs' to show differences between nurses and doctors, giving a more realistic feel to the institution as different people have different power status within. The three Verity's were able to buy the same nightie and created the same look with their hair in order to create as much familiarity for the audience to understand.

We recorded two videos of the performance: 

Overall, I think the performance went fluidly without issues. I felt we engaged the audience so they felt invested in Verity and added to frustration as she does not get better and instead becomes mentally unstable to the point she becomes suicidal. I think aspects we could've improved on, were the audiences sight as I think for the number we had in the audience the viewing was difficult for people who weren't on the first or second row. I also think if we had more LED lights we should've lit up the last classroom as the TV didn't light up the room as much as we thought it would. Here is my interview with Mr Chipp discussing further aspects of our Site Specific piece 'Find Me' : 

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