Wednesday 19 March 2014

19|3|14 - Site Specific - 'Find Me' - Piecing it Together

As we wanted the piece to run smoothly telling one story as a whole, we made sure we paid contribution to each others sections to keep a sense of fluidity. As there was not much need for me and Emily in the second half, we decided that as the last scene was Verity's suicide, and instead of having the whole audience crowd into the bathroom, which wouldn't allow everyone to have a clear view, we dicussed the idea of CCTV footage being shown on a TV in a classroom that the audience were lead too. As a full company we helped with the filming, giving direction and moving the equipment. We had a variety of thoughts into how it should be filmed whether it is in point of view or consistently CCTV. To keep with the logicality and realistic aspect of the performance, we decided it would make more sense to keep it to the CCTV footage. To make it eerie, we decided to have me and Emily stood either side of the TV screen to show the future that they are holding whilst in the institution. 

We then lead a full run through of the entire performance, making sure that we all had the ability to get to our next scene without being seen by the audience. This was especially for me and Emily, as the audience is directed the same way that we need to go, for this we had to run and hide in the room. This creates an eerie feel as the audience will not know how we have managed to get from one place to the other. With the use of the various stair cases we were all able to sucessful find ways to get to our next scene. 

We also added in extra elements of 'scare' by using rooms and corridors throughout the building with short snippets into the mental institutional life. This consisted of using the 'staff toliets' on the way to the stairs scene, and within Mia and Richard would create a distraught scene where she is bashing on the door and Richard as a doctor is telling her to 'calm down, count to 10'. After the stairs scene, we decided to show Abbie, the third Verity, being dragged across the top of the stairs just as the audience leaves to go to the third scene, this meant we had to have an extra room left unlock so that as soon as the audience came out the sight of anybody being there was gone making the atmosphere heighten. Especially when she next appears in the next scene as if she was never in the previous place. 

For the guides, they created simple and vague scripts that allowed them to keep control of the audience and allowed them to utilise the site around them in order to create a more engaging performance. 

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