Wednesday, 13 November 2013

13|11|13 - Directing - Male Dominance

For this session, we split the cast into two, I would work with one half and Kelly would work with the other. As Kelly wasn't here the week before, I thought it would be a good idea that she worked with the biggest group from last week and develop the movement that they created and possibly some more transition ideas. 

I worked with Emelia (Red), Abbie (Blue), James (Wolf) & Med (Huntsman). Me and Kelly were discussing on the idea of presenting the Huntsman as a negative character aswell in order to reflect how society see's men as violent. I decided to test this out, by making these four create a piece of movement that showed the women's naivety/weakness against men. I told them small features I wanted to be part of it, these were

-a point where they're not touching the floor with their feet. 
-a hinting towards sexual activity
-a moment where the girls meet
-the frame represents the females person comfort zone/safety

Again, as last week, I allowed them to work independently creatively on this with little input, as I wanted them to enjoy the experience and wanted to see what idea's I could adopt into the final performance so they could feel self fulfilling when they have contributed. Their performance was this: 

The only thing I could improve is the fluidity but that would come with rehearsal. I think they managed to do well with the synchronising and thought it did well in symbolising how Blue could try and teach Red as her mother could not. The dominance the men had over the females was clear, and the final end where the men kicked the frames away suggested that the frames was a metaphorical 'safety zone' well and that the men would corrupt that. 

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