Me and Alex held a brief meeting to discuss how this rehearsal would go and to feedback to each other on the notes we had so we could discuss what to feedback to the cast. We decided that the way we worked last week was successful, we felt as thought we blocked a substantial amount and feel that if we could block the same amount we had last time we would be setting ourselves a good schedule. Our aim is to block the rest of scene one and then begin our blocking on scene five, finishing around Adam's monologue.
We started the rehearsal with a game of their choice, and they chose the name game again saying that they felt more confident with it this week. Their enjoyment of this was a lot greater this week and it felt as if they had a more positive attitude towards the rehearsal. Alex took Sam to go over the Adam monologue to make sure he wasn't sat around and that he had a focus for the rehearsal. I then took over the rest of the group for a run through of the scene one blocking that we had created last week, this gave me a chance to give them the overall feed back that myself and Alex had discussed in our meeting (end of previous blog).
By intersecting at the points in which individual feedback was required it gave me a chance to know that they were able to take on the feedback and deliver it how me and Alex desired. When we came up to where we had finished blocking last time, I explained how we were going to continue in the same way as last time. I also reminded them the seriousness of the situation as well as their annoyance with Brian and his inability to do what needs to be done. We skipped over Adam's monologue as we felt we needed to work with Sam more closely with the broken and disorientated tone. Here are some pictures of the cast during the rehearsal:

(From Left to Right) Jan, Rachel, Mark, Cathy, Brian, Phil & Lea
By just revisiting scenes that we had been doing we were able to refine some details to save some time later as we knew we would just be able to refresh their memories the next time instead of directing it for the first time.
5|11|14 - Week 5 - work on script - fully blocked
12|11|14 - Week 6 - script down - develop tone and body language
26|11|14 - Week 7 - script down - tidy
3|12|14 - Week 8 - full run through, no script, dress?
This means that we can make an edit to our rehearsal schedule, which is great as we can have a more refined and finished product, it also helps as some of the cast will be missing rehearsals due to exam revision, and we can have time to work with who we have.
5|11|14 - Week 5 - work on script - fully blocked (group scenes)
12|11|14 - Week 6 - duologue blocking
26|11|14 - Week 7 - duologue blocking
3|12|14 - Week 8 - develop duologues, revisit group scenes
10|12|14 - Week 9 - script down - develop tone and body language
17|11|14 - Week 10 - script down - tidy
7|1|15 - Week 11 - full run through, no script, dress?
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