Wednesday, 18 June 2014

18|6|14 - Business Unit - Case Study (N2C Funding)

I am going to be looking at projection of the N2C’s fund for the next year, looking at the income in comparison to the expenditure and if we are able to run N2C as a finically stable theatre company.
Table 1

Here, we can see that the N2C Company is lucky enough to be sponsored by MITIE, meaning that the overall expected cost of the building is removed due to their sponsorship of N2C, where 2 performance spaces are lent to the Company that include full lighting and sound equipment within both rooms.

We also received a grant of £1,000 pounds to achieve a road safety performance for Sheffield County Council. This money was not all spent for the performance itself which means that N2C were able to keep this for further development.

Within props, the cost will probably fluctuate around £500 if we estimate from recent productions in the past year. Although, we have collected a variety of generic props that we may be able to reuse therefore the price of the props could possibly reduce.

I have created a separate table to show the expected income due to ticket sales, again – due to the scale of the production or audience required these price changes could change. By saying that the company should aim to do 4 productions that bring in this money, and by taking into account we usually do 6 or 7 performances, but with some bringing in a small audience, we can achieve those tickets sales over the year.

For the t-shirts, in the past year we have lost money due to money not being paid in for the transaction of the shirts that were at a reduced cost. This means that in the next year we may have to ask for members to pay for the shirts at full price in order to stay on budget.

Table 2

One of our most significant costs is the employment of the Group Leader who would be waged around £15,000 - £16,000 pounds – fortunately the Group Leader for N2C is a volunteer, and therefore does not need to be paid. This allows the evident previous loss to be demolished and leave us with a profit that we can spend on following props or tours that we may then also receive money for.

If we were not fortunate enough to have our Group Leader as a volunteer, we may have to look into the adoption of a grant to help sustain N2C as a business. There are a variety of grants that offer a variety of money for different things.

If we were not fortunate enough to have our Group Leader as a volunteer, we may have to look into the adoption of a grant to help sustain N2C as a business. There are a variety of grants that offer a variety of money for different things.

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