Wednesday, 26 February 2014

26|2|14 - Site Specific - 'Find Me' - Stairs

This scene was for myself, as the second stage of Verity's mental decline. To continue the theme of Verity breaking rules, we decided that the idea of her putting up paintings on the wall that gradually become more eerie would be a good way to look into aspects of Verity's life outside of the hospital that may have affected her. 

I decided that I would go through my half of the script and find lines that were actually used in scenes, and instead paint those scenes and say those lines. The images would progressive get worse bringing up bad memories that 'haunt' Verity. the progression of lines were: 

'I wish I bought my party dress, I love dressing up. I just want to look pretty' 
-this relates to how Verity is an ordinary girl and still has these ideal wants in her life while she is stuck in a hospital nightie. 

'Has the enfant got her napkin on her lap? because that is the polite thing to do! oh good bon bon!' 
-this talks of her time in france with her family, she misses the memory of being able to go to places with her family. 

'Regardes regardes everybody, mums drunk! look everyone! mums drunk!' 
-Using the french shows way the france memory might not be so happy. It also helps to develop the memories Verity has of her family and her mother being an alocholic is not a good sign. 

'Dad! I'm here! Did you miss me?! Dad I'm here did you miss me?!' 
- showing that she feels distant and ignored by her father, the relationship is no longer close and she wishes for it to be closer. 

'You go first, you have to catch me but ahha you can't catch me' 
-this idea of a childrens game is given a new meaning when it becomes the thought of them chasing Verity to be put inside the hospital. To her, she feels as if everyone is chasing her away, to her is feels like no one is trying to catch her. 

'I don't want to go'
- we decided this could mean the parents discussing her being put into the hospital, and Verity not wanting to go. We decided this should be said sincerely, to make the audience sympathise with her and not see her as just a stroppy child. 

'The fire! the beautiful fire! they're going to drown me! they're going to kill me! the bastards are going to drown me!' 
-This will have an image of the chair - the final straw before Verity was admitted to the hospital. At this point we will have the doctors dragging Verity off, to use the Site, I will reach my arms through the bars to show them struggling to contain Verity. 

We also thought about Alex being sat as her doctor, accepting Verity doing wrong with sticking paintings to the walls, asking her questions. Showing their desperation to alter Verity's behaviour in comparison to the last scene. 

Here is the scene in it's first 'draft': 

With Alex there, we found there the question idea worked, this also meant I was able to work a lot more on my expressions and how I feel towards the answers of the questions and the doctor himself. I felt this created a more eerie feel to the scene as I never answer any of his questions, only progressively become more mentally unstable. 

I decided to work on a variety of tones in order to create a more interesting performance as the movement is limited. I also developed this because I didn't want it to be to static, this meant I worked on using the bannister and the wall in a to and fro creating a zig zag movement up the stairs, which without being too distracting is more interesting to watch. 

We also decided that after I am taken away, the audience will be lead the same way I went. We thought that it would be interesting if we did a 'flashback' moment where we see the younger Verity draw a picture and place it on the wall as a sort of reverse foreshadowing to show that these aspects of Verity's behaviour are a regular occurrence. 

This is the video after the second week: 

and a vlog including the whole of my cast discussing these scenes.

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