Development for 'Curly's Wife'
Overall we felt that the main thing we needed to develop was making the lifts as slick as possible. If they are done with ease it reflects her ability to control and how easy it comes to her being the only woman on the ranch. We decided to add more moments of this by having her summon us onto the stage to lift her, we also added to Crookes' character by making him remove the crate from beneath Curly's wife.
With discussion with Mr Chipp, the idea of creating a puppet from the dead body of her, we realised created an undesired comical effect. To remove this we decided to show more of Lennie's physical strength by having him pick her up, this meant we could also show a pinnacle moment where Curly's wife finally looses control. By the time that Lennie has her facing the back her struggling stops showing her death, the rest can continue as planned ready to move into the flop scene.
George and Lennie
We wanted to start the scene on Lennie hiding after killing Curly's wife. From this we created two pieces of movement to show the people above setting off and the intimate relationships above. This then allowed Chris to enter, we decided rolling the crate showed aggression and anger as now George did not know Lennie's story. The scene showed the dependency they had on each other. The frustration of George and how they must always move place because of Lennie's curiosity and it's consequences. We wanted to show how George distracts Lennie by planning their next location in order to kill him. Chris was able to capture George's regret in having to do the action but making sure it seemed necessary. There were certain movements, such as the tower of crates and Chris removes the middle one but due to the way Matt is securely holding the top crate is appears to be hovering. This shows the aspect of dependency and hinting towards George's thoughts that he may have to depend on himself.