Wednesday, 11 December 2013

11|12|13 - Directing - New Script

Over the week, Mia dropped out meaning that the previous script I'd had in mind wouldn't work properly as I focused a lot on that relationship. I decided to write a different script more heavily influenced by Stephen Sondheim's. I used a notebook to write out the script and write down idea's of movement that could match the words to make it a physical piece. 

We went over what we did last week, removing the part with Mia, and having it go straight into the wood scene. 

After directing the script out, I wrote notes of what I would like to change or develop:

In the intro sequence - switched round Med and Sam as then Med would be behind Abbie - to show that the Huntsman had a dominance over Blue, the proxemics show their family relationship and his authority by her physical timid reaction to his prominence. 

In my script I had an alternate speech pattern between men and women, but I decided to make it so that the women say everything to uplift the tone. They can create their own pitch and pace, as this with juxtapose with the cheerful Red that is naive to the dangers of her journey. There also needs to be more enthusiasm in everyones voice and the pace of the walk needs to be a lot faster and more definition of the walks. 

Every understands the directions they should turn, not so set as my script says as after the walk they may end up somewhere else. no head movements as they are too tedious and don't make a massive impact, whole body turns created a lot more of a dynamic scene. 

Began refreshing on the frame movement, decided people would walk from either end and previous movement would have to be adapted for this. 

Refreshed on the sound scapes making each noise clear and worked on who needed to raise their volume. 

Wednesday, 4 December 2013

4|12|13 - Directing - Starting the Performance

Again I was only here for the first half so I started off the session, we all discussed our favourite idea's that we would want to keep included into the final performance and they all said 
-sound scape
-the idea of shadow theatre
-the frames to be used to climb through

I decided that I also really liked the first freeze frame and if we centre it around Red, and used the first line 'There once was a delicious little girl called Red, who was loved by everyone who saw her' 

For this session me and Kelly decided to work on contrast, so I would create the basis, making it creepy, then Kelly would try a variation to make it more comical. 

I made everyone but Red face the back, Red would start talking, on delicious the rest of the group would turn around, using a stage whisper to repeat the word 'delicious'. Blue would say 'who was loved by everyone who saw her'. The rest of the group would the walk away leaving the mother stood behind Red who was kneeling down. This meant that we could create a non naturalistic moment where the mother would reach out to give the basket to Red, and Red would reach forward to collect it. This symbolises the lack of direct information given by the mother to Red showing the reasons for why she may be naive. 

To then make it more eerie, we made the repetition of delicious really snide and said on a slow turn that would make them stare at red, they will then snap straight back to facing the back, ready to walk into a carousel that would be ready so that when they walk in a circle it becomes the wood in which Red can use for the next transition scene. 

We kept going over until we could get it fluid and that the turning was in synchrony We then added a sound scape to the carousel wood movement in order to link it and make a make the scene less static while Red prepares to go to the woods.